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Random Thoughts On A Lovely Day When My Cat Won't Get Off My Lap

I just finished 'Eat The Buddha.' I started at midnight and didn't put it down for 5 and a half straight hours. It might have been more page-turning for me because I recognized a lot of the more recent things that Barbara Dimler described and I had that pit in my stomach of thinking 'Oh, this doesn't end well.'

I got a little writing out. I figured I would get a bit more rough draft out of a story I'm sort of winging. I have an idea of what I want to happen, but there are a lot of gaps. Still, I thought I would exercise that little muscle in a creative way and see if anything sparks. I've been avoiding Verblio, or at least posting way less, since they changed how customers order and I'm not sure how to approach things now.

It truly is beautiful outside. The cherry blossoms are out and I can hear the trilling of birds even in my room. We have hummingbirds, chickadees, sparrows, crows, and turkeys around her. Also, heron. I'll think I'll go for a walk latter and enjoy not doing anything.


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